Terms & Conditions

Terms and Conditions & Privacy Policy

Your use of this web site and your transactions conducted with the company in connection with this web site are subject to the following terms and conditions, referred to as “Terms of Use”. Clicking onto webpages beyond the web site’s homepage constitutes your acceptance of and agreement with the terms of use whether or not you complete a transaction with the company and whether or not you complete your transaction on the web site or through other channels, such as by phone, by e-mail, facsimile, or otherwise. If you do not agree to the terms of use, you may not use this web site.

Terms of Use

Web Site Ownership

This Web site is owned and operated by the Partner Agent Network  LLC, which is referred to below as “PAN”, “we”, “us”, “our” or “Company”.

Permitted Use

You agree that:

1.      your use of this Web site is subject to and governed by these Terms of Use;

2.      you will only access or use this Web site and transact business with us if you are at least 18 years old;

3.      you will comply with and be bound by these Terms of Use as they appear on this Web site each time you access and use this Web site;

4.      each use of this Web site by you indicates and confirms your assent to an agreement to be bound by these Terms of Use; and

5.      these Terms of Use are a legally binding agreement between you and PAN that will be enforceable against you.

You agree not to use or attempt to use this Web site for any purpose that:

1.      interferes with or induces a breach of the contractual relationships between PAN and its team members;

2.      is any way unlawful or prohibited, or that is harmful or destructive to anyone or their property;

3.      transmits any advertisements, solicitations, schemes, spam, flooding, or other unsolicited e-mail, unsolicited commercial communications;

4.      transmits any harmful or disabling computer codes or viruses;

5.      interferes with our network services;

6.      attempts to gain unauthorized access to our network services;

7.      impairs or limits our ability to operate this Web site or any other person’s ability to access and use this Web site; and/or

8.      uses any methods, means or devices to click on to this Web site or cause a visit to this Web site for purposes of manipulating the results of any Internet search engine, or for any other purpose other than conducting real estate related business with PAN.

Use and Access of this Web Site

PAN reserves the right at all times, in its sole discretion and without notice to you, to deny your access to and use of this Web site. You agree that you may not use or attempt to use any part of this Web site to represent that you have any (express or implied) affiliation with PAN or Membership relationship with PAN without the express written permission of PAN. You may not use this Web site to transmit unsolicited e-mail to this site or to anyone whose e-mail address included the domain name under on this Web site.

You agree and acknowledge that you have the sole responsibility and liability for your use of this Web site and for providing or obtaining, and for maintaining, all of the hardware, software, electrical power, telecommunications, Internet services, and other products or services necessary or desirable for you to access and use this Web site.

Intellectual Property Rights

“Partner Agent Network” and the “Partner Agent Network” logo are service marks of PAN. All other marks used on this Web site are the property of their respective owners. The words

“Realtor®“ or Realtors®“, used on this Web site to denote membership in the “National Association of Realtors®” and, as such, providers of real estate related services consistent with a strict code of ethics and the highest standards of professionalism.

Web Page Content

You acknowledge and agree that:

1.      all source code, calculations, products, materials, data, information, text, screens, functionality, services, design, layout, screen interfaces, the “look and feel”, and the operation of this Web site (collectively “Web Page Content”) are protected by various intellectual property laws, including, but not limited to, copyrights, patents, trade secrets, trademarks, and service marks; and

2.      all rights associated with the Web Page Content are owned by PAN, its licensors, or content providers. Furthermore, you acknowledge and agree that you do not acquire any ownership rights by downloading or viewing any Web Page Content. You further acknowledge and agree that you will not in any way copy, reproduce, publish, create derivative works from, perform, upload, post, distribute, transfer, transmit, modify, adapt, reverse engineer, frame in any webpage, or alter the appearance of any Web Page Content.

You may not use Web Page Content, domain names (in whole or in part), or e-mail addresses related to or derived from this Web site, nor any data, trademarks, functionality, service marks, trade names, brand names and/or logos contained within or derived from this Web site, for any purpose; meaning that you may not, among other prohibited uses, use any Web Page Content, domain names, e-mail addresses, data, trademarks, service marks, trade names, brand names and/or logos on or derived from this Web site:

1.      in or as any meta-tag or hidden text;

2.      in or as part of any contextual marketing directory, index, or triggering term;

3.      as content or advertising related to any other Web site including, but not limited to, comparative/informational Web sites; and/or

4.      as a variable or data element in any algorithm that causes another Internet browser to appear on, over, or at the same time as the Company’s Web site or controls the content of any other Internet browser window.

Submissions: You acknowledge and agree that all submissions to PAN containing any comments, improvements, suggestions, and ideas regarding this Web site will become and remain our exclusive property, including any future rights associated with such submissions, even if the provisions of these Terms of Use are later modified or terminated. This means that you forever disclaim any proprietary rights in such submissions, and you acknowledge PAN’S unrestricted right to use, publish, and commercially exploit, identical, similar, or derivative ideas originating from your submission, in any medium, now and in the future, without notice, compensation or other obligation to you or any other person.

Linking and Third-Party Advertising

Not Responsible for Links to Other Web sites: For your convenience, this Web site may provide links to other Web sites on the World Wide Web. Unless expressly stated otherwise on this Web site, PAN does not endorse, approve, sponsor or control, and we are not in any way responsible for, any of the content, services, calculations, information, products or materials available at or through any Web sites to which this Web site may provide a link. By using this Web site you acknowledge and agree that PAN will not be responsible or liable to you or any other person for any damages or claims that might result from your use of such content, services, calculation, information, products or materials.

No Advertising / No Links. PAN does not permit third-party advertising on this Web site. Except with the written permission of PAN, you agree that you will not create links from any Web site or webpage to this Web site or any webpage within this Web site.


You agree and acknowledge that we may revise or change these Terms of Use at any time, without notice to you, and you agree that you will be bound by the provisions of these Terms of Use as they appear on this Web site at the time you access this Web site. Because these Terms of Use may change, we encourage you to frequently review them. In addition, you agree and acknowledge that all other content, services, products and materials on or available through this Web site are subject to updating and revision without notice to you. You further acknowledge and agree that the Terms of Use may not be altered except with the express written permission of the President of PAN.


You understand and acknowledge that PAN controls and operates this Web site from within the United States of America. This Web site provides information regarding services and products that are made available in the United States only. We make no representation that the services or products about which information may be provided on this Web site will be available (a) anywhere outside of the United States or (b) in every state within the United States. You acknowledge and agree that you are responsible for compliance with all federal, state and local laws applicable to your access to and use of this Web site.

User IDs and Passwords

Certain areas or features of this Web site may be restricted to users who have obtained a user identification and password by completing a registration process described on this Web site. Please be sure to protect and maintain the confidentiality of any user identification, password or other identifying information you may obtain in connection with your use of this Web site. You agree to notify PAN immediately if you believe your user identification, password or other identifying information has been lost, stolen or otherwise compromised. You also acknowledge and agree that you are solely responsible for all damages or claims that may arise from any access to or use of this Web site by any person to whom you have provided your user identification, password or other identifying information, or by any person who has obtained such information from you, including, but not limited to, any access to or use of this Web site that may occur after you have notified us that your user identification, password or other identifying information has been lost, stolen or otherwise compromised.

The Internet as an Open Network

While certain designated parts of this Web site employ technologies to secure your data and the transmissions between you and PAN, the Internet is an open system and we cannot provide absolute assurances that transmissions cannot be intercepted/decrypted by others.

Privacy and Security

Mandatory and Optional Information: We identify what information is required to fulfill your request. If you chose not to provide mandatory information, we will not be able to provide you the service you are requesting.

Joint Marketing: We may offer certain products or services on a coordinated basis with a third party under a joint marketing agreement. In this case, we may send co-branded offers to you directly or through a joint marketing partner. If you decide to do business directly with a joint marketing party, the information that you submit will be subject to the privacy policy of our joint marketing partner and may differ from the privacy policy that we offer. You may opt-out of joint marketing offers by sending a request to info@partneragentnetwork.com.

Other Service Providers: In some cases, we will employ or use service providers such as title companies, appraisers, consultants, temporary workers, and third party software developers to complete a business process or provide a service on our behalf. For example, we may use service providers to enhance our Web site technology, deliver products, or to send e-mails. When we employ service providers, we may need to share your personally identifiable information. Service providers are strictly prohibited from using your personally identifiable information for purposes other than to act on our behalf. Service Alerts and Critical Notices: Although we respect and honor the privacy preferences you have expressed, we may need to contact you to inform you of specific changes that may impact your ability to use this service or for other critical non-marketing purposes, such as bug alerts. We may also contact you to respond to your specific requests, to clarify the order information you provided to us, or to notify you of upcoming subscription expiration dates.

Quality Control: To offer you the highest quality service, we may share your feedback with third parties that you have elected to receive services from. You may opt-out by sending a request to info@partneragentnetwork.com.

Change of Control: Your personally identifiable information may be transferred in connection with a sale, merger, transfer, exchange or other disposition (whether of assets, stock or otherwise) of all or a portion of PAN. You will have the opportunity to opt out of further secondary use of your information following any change of control.

Changes to Our Privacy Policy: If we plan to make significant changes to any of our privacy policies or practices with respect to how we use personally identifiable information, we’ll post those changes to the PAN web site 30 days before they take effect.

Legal Disclosures: In some cases we may disclose certain information to comply with a legal process, such as a court order, subpoena, search warrant, or law enforcement request.

Cookies: A “cookie” is a small piece of information that our web site may provide to your browser while you are at our sites. The PAN Web site supplies your browser with cookies that contain a unique identifier used to better understand web site usage in the aggregate and on an individual level so we know what areas of our site users prefer (e.g., based on the number of visits to those areas). This is done through a tracking utility that allows us, for example, to reconstruct activity from a session or by a user, for troubleshooting and issue resolution purposes. PAN may also employ service providers to help us collect and understand our web site usage data.

Additionally, PAN service providers that serve ads on affiliate and/or advertiser web sites may assign different cookies and small graphical images called single-pixel GIFs or web beacons, to your browser to track the effectiveness of PAN advertising on other web sites and your involvement with PAN. For example, as part of the PAN affiliate programs, our service providers use cookies and web beacons to determine when affiliate program members have referred a customer to PAN via a link on their web site. The PAN Web site may also set a temporary cookie that contains a unique, anonymous identifier that is provided to the service provider to ensure that each referral is only counted once. This cookie is not linked to a customer’s personal information. The cookies and web beacons are necessary to ensure that affiliate program members are appropriately credited for their referrals. Service providers report data in the aggregate and do not link it to individual customer information. PAN may also employ service providers who may assign cookies or web beacons to your browser to assist us in collecting web site usage data such as your IP address, session ID, URL and demographic information such as your zip code. The collection of data may include personally identifiable information. We do not track URLs that you type into your browser, nor do we track you across the Internet once you leave our site.

If you simply want to browse, you do not have to accept cookies from our site. Should you decide, however, that you would like to register and sign in to special areas of the web site and you have modified your browser settings not to accept cookies, you will need to re-set your browser to accept the cookies that we send. Otherwise, you won’t be able to participate in certain areas of the web site. Most browsers are defaulted to accept and maintain cookies.

Web Site Usage Data: Our web site tracks usage data, including, for example, your IP address, your browser type and version, which pages you view, which page, if any, linked you to our site, and which link, if any, you follow off of our site. We use this data in the aggregate and on an individual level to better understand web site activity to improve our site offerings, to reconstruct activity from a session or by a user, for troubleshooting and issue resolution purposes. We may also use this data to provide you a more personalized web site experience, assistance with technical support questions, and to send you special offers, product and service updates, or other promotional materials that are relevant and tailored to your interests. If you do not want to receive these offers or promotions, simply indicate your contact preferences during the registration process, within any future communications or by sending an e-mail to info@partneragentnetwork.com.


If you make any unauthorized use of this Web site or violate the Terms of Use: (a) you may be in violation of laws of the United States, as well as applicable state laws, and may be subject to penalties, and (b) you may be responsible for damages caused to PAN. You agree to indemnify PAN and its affiliates, vendors and licensors, and all of the employees, officers, directors, agents and representatives thereof and to hold all of them harmless from, all costs, claims, damages, expenses or other losses, including attorney’s fees and court costs, that arise from or are related to your use of this Web site and/or your breach/violation of or failure to comply with the Terms of Use.


The content, services, calculations, information, products and materials on or available through this web site are provided “as is” and without warranties of any kind, either expressed or implied. To the fullest extent permissible under applicable law, PAN disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including, but not limited to, all implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title and non-infringement. PAN makes no representation or warranty regarding the content, services, calculations, information, products or materials, or the use or results of use of the content, services, calculations, products or materials, on or available through this web site. The content, services, calculations, information, products and materials on or available through this web site could include inaccuracies or typographical errors and could become inaccurate because of developments occurring after their respective dates of preparation or publication. PAN has no obligation to maintain the currency or accuracy of any content, services, calculations, information, products or materials on or available through this web site.

You acknowledge and agree that PAN is not, and shall not be, responsible for the results of any defects that may exist in this web site or its operation. As to the operation of this web site, PAN expressly disclaims all warranties of any kind, whether express or implied, including, but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. PAN makes no representation or warranty that (a) the operation of this web site will meet your or any other user’s requirements; (b) access to the web site will be uninterrupted, timely, secure, or free of errors, viruses or other harmful components; or (c) any defects in this web site will be corrected. You agree that you, and not PAN, will bear the entire cost of all servicing, repair, correction or restoration that may be necessary for your data, software programs or computer equipment because of any viruses, errors or other problems you may have as a result of using or visiting this web site.

Limitation of Liability

You agree that under no circumstances will PAN be liable to you or any other person or entity for any damages or injury, including any direct, special, incidental, consequential or punitive damages or any damages or injury caused by error, inaccuracy, omission, interruption, defect, failure of performance, delay in operation or transmission, telecommunications failure or computer virus or other problem, that may result from the use of, or the inability to use, this web site or the content, services, calculations, information, products or materials on or available through this web site, whether in an action alleging breach of contract, negligence or any other cause of action, or arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of any content, services, calculations, information, products or materials on or available through this web site. You agree that PAN shall not be liable even if we or our authorized representatives have been advised of the possibility of such damages.

Applicable law may not allow the exclusion of certain warranties or the limitation or exclusion of liability for incidental or consequential damages. Accordingly, some of the above limitations or exclusions may not apply to you. However, in no event shall PAN’s total liability to you for damages, losses, and causes of action (whether in contract, tort or otherwise) exceed the amount paid by you, if any, in accessing or using this web site.

Communications with Company

Time Sensitive Instructions: When communicating with us through this Web site, PC-talk, chat or via e-mail, do not use the Web site, PC-talk, chat or e-mail to communicate any time-sensitive instructions. Such instructions may not be received or otherwise honored. All transactions conducted on this Web site, PC-talk, chat or via e-mail, must be confirmed in writing by us to be accepted by and binding upon us.

E-Signature: General communications through this Web site, PC-talk, chat or via e-mail are not intended by us to constitute either an electronic record or an electronic signature, or to constitute any agreement by the sender to conduct a transaction by electronic means, unless a specific statement to the contrary is included in the message and specific e-signature procedures are employed. However, your assent to a “click to Agree” or “Submit” button or box is binding upon you.

Recording & Monitoring of Communications: Your communications with us via the Web site, PC-talk, chat e-mail, and telephone may be recorded or monitored and by using such communications methods you are consenting to the recording or monitoring of the same.

Prohibited E-mail Content: All of our Team Members are prohibited from using e-mail to make or send any type of menacing, defamatory, discriminatory, harassing, offensive or threatening statements/materials, or statement/materials that infringe the copyrights or legal rights of others in e-mail. Such communications are against Company policy and outside the scope of our Team Member’s employment. The Company does not accept any liability in respect of such communication, and the Team Member responsible will be personally liable for any damages or other liability arising. Please report any such violations to PAN at info@partneragentnetwork.com. The use of the Company’s e-mail facilities for purposes of sending menacing, harassing, offensive or threatening messages to our Team Members is strictly prohibited and is unlawful; violators will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Use of the Company’s e-mail facilities for purposes of to soliciting our Team Members to breach their employment agreements or to interfere with their employment status with our Company is strictly prohibited.

Negligent Misstatement: The Company disclaims any and all responsibility, including responsibility based on negligence or negligent misstatement, for the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of data or information contained in or furnished through e-mail and the Company makes no warranties, express or implied, with respect to such data or information.

Opt-Out: This e-mail may constitute an advertisement or solicitation under U.S. law, if its primary purpose is to advertise or promote a commercial product or service. If you do not wish to receive advertising and promotional messages from PAN, you may opt-out by sending an e-mail to info@partneragentnetwork.com.

Viruses: Computer viruses can be transmitted via e-mail through e-mail content, attachments to e-mails and embedded links. Although our e-mails are believed to be free of any virus or other defects that might affect computer systems in which they are received and opened, it is the recipient’s responsibility to ensure that any e-mail they open is virus free. The Company is not responsible for any loss or damage arising in any way from the receipt, use, storage or transmission of our e-mails. If our Company forwards an e-mail or replies to a prior e-mail, the contents may have been produced by someone other than our Company or our Team Members for which the Company assumes no liability whatsoever. The company disclaims any representation or warranty that company e-mails are virus free and/or error free. The use of e-mail to introduce any virus, malicious or disabling code, or to otherwise interfere with the Company’s e-mail transmissions, telecommunication, or computer networks is prohibited and against the law; violators will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Unsecured Transmissions: You should be aware that regular e-mail is typically sent via the Internet which is an open network. While certain designated areas within our Web sites employ technologies to secure your data and the transmissions between you and our Company, general e-mail uses the Internet which is an open system and we cannot provide absolute assurances that all e-mail transmissions (sent or received) are secure, error free, not corrupted, or virus free and/or that they won’t be lost, destroyed, arrive late or incomplete, or intercepted/decrypted by others. Therefore the Company does not accept liability for any errors or omissions in the contents of e-mails which may arise as a result of e-mail communication process.

Confidential Information: E-mails sent by our Team Members are confidential (and all attachments to such e-mails are confidential) and are to be reviewed and/or disclosed to only the individual or entity to whom they are addressed and intended. If you received an e-mail in error or if it was improperly forwarded to you, the information contained in the e-mail should, at all times, remain confidential and such circumstances shall not authorize you to use or disclose the confidential information. Please notify the sender immediately by telephone or e-mail, and delete or destroy the original and any copies. Any unauthorized use, disclosure, reproduction, or distribution is strictly prohibited. E-mails marked as “Confidential” contain confidential and/or proprietary information that is disclosed under the condition that you treat and maintain such information strictly in a confidential manner and in compliance with applicable privacy laws (including but not limited to the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act) and that you ensure such information is not disclosed or used by others, except for the limited and confidential purpose for which it is being provided. By accepting and reviewing Confidential information provided by the Company, you agree to indemnify and hold the Company harmless against any and all claims, losses, liabilities, or expenses, including attorney’s fees that the Company may incur as a result of the unauthorized use or disclosure of confidential information due to your acts or omissions.

Privileged Information: E-mails exchanged with or involving our Legal Team may contain privileged information subject to the attorney client privilege and/or the attorney work product privilege. Such privileged information shall not be waived if you receive an e-mail in error or if it was improperly forwarded to you. If you are not the intended recipient of privileged information, please notify the sender immediately by telephone or e-mail and delete or destroy the original and any copies. Any unauthorized use, disclosure, reproduction, or distribution of confidential or privileged information is strictly prohibited.


 PAN fully supports the Fair Housing Act (Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968, as amended). As such, PAN does not engage in business practices that discriminate against persons because of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, familial status, or handicap.

Additional Terms

You acknowledge that certain features of this Web site, as well other products and services of PAN, including those that may be available through this Web site, may be subject to terms, conditions and disclaimers in addition to these Terms of Use, and you agree that your use of such products and services will be subject to such additional terms, conditions and disclaimers.

Permission to Be Contacted: By submitting information to PAN through the Web site or otherwise, you are making an inquiry as to PAN’S programs and services and give PAN and its affiliates permission to contact you through e-mail, fax, or telephone, or any means, even if your phone number is on a “Do Not Call” list.

Agreement to Provide Accurate Information: In making an inquiry, application or in entering into any other transaction or request for information on this Web site, you agree to provide accurate, true, current, and complete information upon which PAN may rely.

Your Cooperation Needed: PAN generally begins processing Partner Agent or Mortgage Partner applications upon the submission of a full and complete membership request form though our Web site. If you submit a membership application, you agree to cooperate in the application process (including submitting all required documentation in a timely manner) and if needed, to obtain information PAN may need from third parties such as your MLS, employer, state licensing authority or professional organizations you are a member of. In addition, you agree to notify PAN of any changes in any information submitted in connection with your application. PAN requires Partner Agents meet specific criteria to apply for membership as a Partner Agent, therefore, upon our request you agree to provide us with whatever documentation we may require to substantiate your membership eligibility. Any false or misleading statements or documentation provided to us will result in termination of your membership. 

If there is not a Partner Agent located in the particular market in which a Mortgage Partner wishes to place a referral we reserve the right to place said referral with a Partner Agent of our own choosing. 

Reasonable Efforts: PAN will make reasonable efforts to avoid delays; however, PAN is not responsible for delays outside of its control.

Governing Law

You agree that these Terms of Use shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington, without giving effect to any principles of conflicts of law. You agree that any action at law or in equity arising out of or relating to these Terms of Use or the use of this Web site shall be filed only in the state or federal courts located in King County, Washington, and you hereby consent and submit to the personal jurisdiction of such courts for the purposes of litigating any such action.


You agree that if any provision of these Terms of Use shall be found to be unlawful or void, or for any reason unenforceable, then that provision shall be deemed severable from the other provisions of these Terms of Use and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of such other provisions.

Copyright 2018 Partner Agent Network LLC. All rights reserved.